I Found What I was Looking For

I used to believe "Confusion leads to Havoc" but it turned out that I was wrong. What made my belief change?
It was a regular morning of my Internship, feeling stultified while developing minor applications. I went into ALERT Code Mode! , when my Senior Supervisor walked by me. After he crossed my desk and I was about to heave a sigh of relief when a voice asked me: 
"You know how to analyze these, using Python?".
I saw some filled-up excel sheets in his hand and I was rolling one by one and thinking-
"I shouldn't have told that Python was my strong area. Should I say no? But I have just joined, what kind of impression will it create.".
Lost amidst these thoughts my stupid big mouth ended up saying-
"Yes, Sir".
"Great, analyze these data and submit your report at tomorrow's meeting"-came the reply.
Meanwhile, my mind is awestruck by the response I just gave and the reply that just dived in.
"See, what have you done, you fool"- my mind apparently chiding my mouth.
While my mind and mouth were quarreling, my face smiling at my Supervisor seemingly signaling him to leave the rest to me. I got up from my seat, went to the washroom, washed my face, looked into the mirror and saw the nervous me, felt like backed into one corner with no options to run from. I gathered myself up and with the time constraint in mind I stepped into the "World of Data Science". To be exact it was "Data Analysis" but the first step towards data science. I looked at all the sheets and thought -"Confusion leads to Havoc. Here it is."

I wouldn't say the journey of that night was easy because it wasn't. There was confusion and chaos everywhere. In my heart, in my mind and of course in the datasheets. But then which journey is?

After I completed my analysis and evaluation, the next day in the meeting not only my Supervisor but all the people present there praised my insights. Of course, there were errors. But my happiness knew no limits. I looked into those sheets again, they said-"Confusion creates Havoc. But it also leads to Creation" and thus my belief changed for good.

This Blog Series is aimed to narrate what I found, how I found it, and what it means.


  1. Well, I guess I am the first to comment! (Until now I suppose) I see you have started your own blog! Congratulations for that. I was always by your thoughts, phrases, the way you put up with situations and obviously your insights... So I promise you that I am going to be an active visitor.
    And congratulations on your first successful internship. I can only imagine the rest of the summer after reading about your first day ��
    In short I liked it. Way to go buddy... This is just the beginning :)

    1. Ty so much.These words means a lot to me.

  2. 'The startup kid' is exploring new areas.Prodigious work and amazing words!!

  3. Ur words talk a lot. Even before I read it :)😀

  4. It was nice to read this. All the best with your blog.

  5. I am still confused about many things in my career,what to do and what not .....after reading this,I think I vl be able to clear those confusions .....and vl not be sad about my confusions....coz it leads to wonderful creation....

    Very nicely written ..NINAD....and above all this experience of yours may clear many other's doubts and they may become more confident enough to face confusions and challenges.

    1. The reason you mentioned is the driving force to create this blog.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Very well presented Ninad.. :)
    Wish u all the very best for ur wonderful upcoming creations...

  8. You have always been a creative person and a source of positivity and inspiration for everyone (For me, atleast) and this piece of work is commendable!


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